“I believe that if I had taken on these good ideas earlier in my life I would have been more successful.”
It is natural to want to fit in with a group. To belong to a “tribe” is part of being human and is how we have survived as a species. If we conform completely we will not be fulfilled. On the other hand the pressure to be yourself can be debilitating if you’re unsure of who you are. The key is to find balance with what is expected of us within our chosen groups while remaining true to ourselves.
A common struggle and questions that both religion and philosophy tackle are: What’s this life for? Can we really leave anything of value behind? Many inventions and works of art have affected following generations in a positive way and there are people that spend their life chasing this kind of legacy. I believe that most people who are remembered didn’t set out with this goal in mind. They were looking for something that added meaning or value to their own life and those around them. The desire to be remembered can be inspiring and to live a good life today is the best way to be remembered tomorrow.
“Dis” is slang for disrespect! If someone took offense to lyrics written in this song it wasn’t the artist’s intention. He says that he doesn’t want to hold grudges, but he addresses negative experiences in his songs that could upset the people involved. Until he can get all the bad feelings off his chest he will keep writing songs the may upset others. It’s a brave approach to bring up potentially divisive topics with honesty and one that will lead to personal growth and also better relationships. If we aren’t honest with the people who upset us, that negative feeling will create a wall that blocks the chance for a strong, valuable relationship to grow.
Being able to face up to problems and attempt to fix them is hard. It is much easier to just complain about things, but complaining changes nothing. To endow is to add a quality or ability. Using strong, positive language endows what we believe and how we approach tough situations. Each moment we feel like we’ve failed is an opportunity to grow and improve. We may fail in our attempts, and have to deal with the sour taste of defeat, but so-called failure is the only way to reach our goals.
Sometimes it is necessary to apologise. There are also times when saying sorry for something you don’t feel responsible for is the right thing to do. Other times we can admit we are at fault without apologising. We can accept responsibility and move on. All these reactions can produce good outcomes when we feel wronged or can see that some one is hurt.
“You only get out what you put in.” People recognise success for the hard work needed to achieve this success as much as the result. A perfectly crafted rhyme, a beautiful piece of art or a winning sports play are all the culmination of the work put in to reach that highlight or completed project.
We only get one life and life is a series of moments. We should try and appreciate each moment and make the most of them. This can be done through gratitude and reflection throughout the day. Pausing at specific times, like before school, dinner and bed, provides great opportunities to consider what your grateful for and reflect on the events of the day.
Some people see life as an endless chore rather than a gift and an opportunity. People who stand still and let life happen to them aren’t living, they are just spectators. If we embrace life as a gift full of opportunities where we get to do we things we are more likely to get involved and get more out of life.
Successful people talk about creating their own reality, of creating the life they wanted for themselves. No one really knows what is possible until they start doing the things necessary to get to where they want to go. Step by step, brick by brick, we can reshape the world we live in. People have literally changed the world through their teachings and new technologies. Many more people have altered their approach and outlook on life which has drastically improved their personal situation. Both these things are admirable and by accepting the possibility that we can change our own circumstances, we will always have faith in a better tomorrow.
The two definitions of the word career are so different! We think of someone having a career as having the same job for a long time but if we career off the path we change our direction with bad consequences! Instead of following a career that would guarantee financial reward, the artist has made decisions that follow his values and passion. Brave decisions may put us in situations where we might get hurt. “What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger.” This doesn’t mean putting ourselves intentionally in physical danger. To be brave is to have doubts and fears and act anyway.
Pressure had made so many mistakes, according to himself, that he says he is an expert in making them! It is true that to recognise when you have made mistakes does make you a better person. Most people would receive a “Masters of Mistakes” if they try enough things and pay attention to the lessons learned from doing them wrong at first. We grow when we learn from “mucking” up.
As well as talking about mistakes made the lyrics show the artist’s good qualities. Humilty, loyalty, and being a good friend are wonderful values to live by. “Depth of his pockets” means that the bigger a person’s pockets the more money they have. Just having money isn’t proof of a life well lived. How we earn money and what we do with it are more accurate reflections of a good life.
There are times while I write these that I have felt I’m trying to share ideas and give advice I haven’t always followed myself. I believe that if I had taken on these good ideas earlier in my life I would have been more successful.
Whenever we come across a new idea that might improve our life, today is the best day to begin implementing it. We can only be sure that something is a good idea if we try it out.
If we spend too much time focussing on other people’s success we will end up resentful and bitter! We can learn from other people’s good decisions that lead to their success and we can also learn from their mistakes. This is why studying the wisdom recorded throughout history is so valuable.
Spending time worrying about what other people choose to do with their lives can cause frustration and anger. Our perspective is something we have total control over. Some one can appear superficial or successful depending on the view we choose to take, but our opinion of others doesn’t make them so.