The mynah birds were at it again. One minute they’re fighting each other and the next they’re ganging up on other birds. This time it was parrot. Not one of the many Rainbow Lorikeets or Eastern Rosellas, this was a bright green parrot. We have a pair of King Parrots visit occasionally. This guy was […]
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You Can Be a Big Pig Too
Strawberry lifts his head and locks eyes with the tall stranger. Although there is wire mesh between Strawberry and the shadowy figure standing before him, he is cautious. He doesn’t dare blink, his bright pink eyes fixed on the dark eyes of the potential intruder. Strawberry secretly signals to Peanut and she scampers up the […]
Continue Reading“TAIL LIGHTS” – Macklemore, feat Morray (no lyrics)
We make a lot of decisions in our life. Sometimes we will be sure and clear about what we want to do and other times uncertainty will cause us to stall. The compass we use to guide us through life is a complex one. Advice from parents, teachers, friends, good books, not-so-good books, social […]
Continue ReadingOn Leadership
We have two very different roosters, with two very different leadership styles. Chunky is the biggest chicken in the flock, standing comb and hackle feathers above the largest hens. His feathers are white from his face to his feet with the faintest golden tips around his neck and back. Tiger has the classic rooster red, […]
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